As part of the Mental Health Grants programme we are facilitating ‘speed dating’ style events where voluntary, community and social enterprises (VCSE) representatives can meet with IAPT provider representatives to explore the potential for partnership development.
This relates to aim two of the Mental Health Grants programme to: increase the take-up of Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) programme services among communities that finds them difficult to access.
Please note: the speed partnering events are only open to VCSE organisations that are eligible to apply to the Mental Health Grants programme. To be eligible to apply to the grants programme VCSE organisations need to be undertaking a project that will benefit residents of the City of Manchester and that will address the primary aims of the grants programme, read more about the Grants programme here.
Booking is essential
IAPT providers
As well as members of staff from Macc, the CCGs and Manchester City Council, representatives from the following IAPT providers will also be present across two events - 15 July and 29 July:
• Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust
• Self Help Services
• Survivors Manchester
• African and Caribbean Mental Health Services
• LGBT Foundation
• Gaddum Centre
How it works
Choose one of the hour slots below and follow the link to register. When you arrive on the day for your chosen slot (you will need to arrive at least 10 minutes before your chosen hour) you will select up to three 10 minute ‘dates’ with the IAPT providers.
29 July - hour slots:
09:30-10.30 (arrival no later than 9.20am) Register here
10:30-11:30 (arrival no later than 10.20am) Register here
11:30-12:30 (arrival no later than 11.20am) Register here
12:30-13:30 (arrival no later than 12.20pm) Register here
For further information contact Oliver Cranfield on 0161 834 9823, or email: [email protected]