Independent Evaluation commission of advice at Cheetham Hill Advice Centre

Cheetham Hill Advice Centre (CHAC) is a busy advice charity in North Manchester. For the last three years CHAC has been delivering advice funded by the Reaching Communities strand of The National Lottery Community fund. CHAC is commissioning an independent evaluation of this work to look at the outcomes, the impact and any lessons that can be learnt from this work. CHAC

The evaluation needs to include:
• A short section on the local area and the demographic make-up of the community
• Analysis of data including number of people using the advice service,
• Summary of evidence of improvements in quality of life (e.g. increased income, improved housing situation)
• Gathering and evaluating case studies (via a small number of between 5 to 10 individual interviews with clients to identify what they found valuable about the service model and case studies to illustrate the impact on people, families and households)
• Any particular learning points from the project
• Recommendations for the future

Information / resources
CHAC can provide the data in a summarised format. CHAC can facilitate the client interviews and cluster these to reduce travel time for the evaluator. CHAC can liaise with the evaluator to identify learning points that emerge from the data and the interviews. CHAC will provide suggested edits at two agreed points in the drafting process.

Submit a short expression of interest describing how you would carry out this brief along with a brief summary of your experience by Monday 8 April 2019, 12pm (no more than two sides of A4) to: [email protected]. CHAC would like to have an evaluator confirmed by 12 April with a start date agreed for before 26 April with the final draft of the evaluation ready for 27 May 2019.

The contact for this piece of evaluation will be CHAC Manager Sinéad O’Connor. To discuss this brief contact Sinéad on 0161 740 2461.

The cost of this piece of evaluation is £2,500