#IWILL Fund 2019

Community organisations across England can now apply for grants of up to £35,000 to help young people have a say in how community spaces are managed. The Fund is expected to make up to eight grants, available for one year. Successful applicants will have the opportunity to re-apply for up to two years' further funding, to build on their learning and focus on sustaining their impact. Coop Foundation

The #iwill Fund supports the aim of the #iwill campaign to make social action part of life for as many 10 to 20 year-olds as possible, forming a habit of community involvement they will continue as adults.
Community spaces are (or could be) open to members of the public. This might include places where young people interact with services and institutions, places that young people struggle to access or use in the way that they would like and/or where young people’s voices aren’t currently represented.

Applications will be assessed against the following criteria.

• An approach that draws on young people’s lived experience to improve community
• Outcomes
• Diversity and inclusion
• Organisational health

For further information and to apply, visit: www.coopfoundation.org.uk/funding_support/iwill-community-spaces/, or email: [email protected]

Deadline: 20 September 2019, 12:00