Justice and Equality Fund – Now’s the time

Rosa want to amplify the voices of all the individuals and groups who are calling for an end to sexual harassment and abuse, in their workplaces and in their communities. Rosa want to add their support to those organisations who are seeking to establish what works in changing the culture of impunity and preventing future harassment and abuse. Now's the time

Rosa want to resource the imaginative and creative grass-roots activism that is gathering momentum across the UK. Rosa want to encourage partnerships across sectors, supporting specialist organisations to reach out to colleagues in businesses, unions, local councils, schools and colleges and other contexts, and work with them to drive long-term culture change.

In the Now’s the Time programme Rosa will award up to £1 million through a Challenge Fund which asks: “What would you do toward ending sexual harassment?”

Rosa want to hear your ideas, your solutions, your best next steps. Rosa want to support:
• Prevention work (including education and other initiatives)
• Awareness-raising activities
• Grass-roots activism
• Influencing
• Work with groups and communities who might face additional barriers to getting their voices heard, or might be at higher risk of sexual harassment and abuse, to amplify those voices
• Work that tries out new ideas
• Innovative uses of tech/arts/sports/etc
• Work that replicates tried and tested approaches in new settings
• Work that others can learn from

Rosa are particularly keen to see cross-sector partnerships where the expertise of specialist voluntary sector organisations at the forefront of this work is shared with others, to help drive broader change.

Rosa are seeking applications for grants of:
£5,000 – £25,000, or
£25,000 – £100,000

Women’s organisations applying for £5,000 – £25,000 can apply by themselves, or in a partnership.
Women’s organisations applying for £25,000 – £100,000 will need to apply in partnership with at least one other organisation.

Rosa expect the grants they make in this programme will be:
• for one year for grants of £5,000 – £25,000
• over one to three years for grants of £25,000 – £100,000
• for mostly revenue costs
• for new work or an extension, or continuation, of existing work

Application process
For a grant of £5,000 – £25,000 – Programme opens on 3rd August 2018
Deadline: 28 September 2018

For a grant of £25,000 – £100,000 – Programme opens on 24 September 2018
Deadline: 14 December 2018

For further information and to apply, visit: www.rosauk.org/how-to-apply/justice-and-equality-fund/nows-the-time/