Would you like to take part in a discussion group about co-producing a social research training programme for community groups in Greater Manchester?
A team based at the University of Manchester are currently working on a project entitled “Knowing-how: Co-producing a social research training programme for the Third Sector” which is funded by the Faculty of Humanities Strategic Investment Fund. The project aims to develop and deliver a pilot programme where University research methods expertise and Third Sector knowledge are used to provide short and free training for community organisations on research skills and tools.
As part of this project, discussion groups have been organised with both Third Sector and University representatives to gather opinions and views on:
• challenges and opportunities linked to developing a collaborative training programme in research methods based at the University and specifically targeting the Third Sector
• possible topics and training strategies that could be part of the training programme
• past experiences and good practice in developing collaborative work between the University and Third Sector
The feedback collected through the discussion groups will help to design four pilot training events for local community organisations which will be run between January and May 2016. The final project report will reflect on the possibility of creating a long-lasting training infrastructure based at the University and involving a close collaboration with the Third Sector. The aim is to develop a business case to inform the continuation of training.
The discussion groups will take place either on 18 or 23 November, 10am-12noon (lunch will be provided, 12noon-1pm).
There are a limited number of places available for the activity, so if you are interested in taking part in a discussion group and you can commit to at least one of the above dates, register here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/9RZMWDY by Friday 6 November.
You will then be contacted to let you know whether you have been selected for the activity as soon as possible after the deadline.
For further information, contact the team on 0161 306 6561, or email: [email protected]