Ladybarn Community Centre reaches the finals of The People’s Millions

Ladybarn Community Centre is one of six other projects across the ITV Granada region that has reached the finals of the Big Lottery’s People’s Millions. Winning projects will be decided by public vote between 24-26 November 2014. Short films promoting projects will be shown as part of Granada Evening News.

Ladybarn Community Centre (which is situated in South Manchester) has a long and very vibrant history of working with the local community. Ladybarn works with a diverse range of people and provides groups for children and young people, training classes and Work Clubs, Community Café, Luncheon Club and independent living support project for older people.

The ‘Leafy Ladybarn’ project is seeking to transform the grounds around the Community Centre to help improve the lives of local people. If successful there will be a new sensory garden and ball court, community growing area and orchard, a natural wildlife area and formal outside seating space. There will something for everyone, whether you are older or young, a student, a volunteer, doesn't matter; no one is excluded.

Once established Ladybarn is planning to run loads of new activities for the local community including how to grow your own food and healthy eating. There will also be exciting new play activities for children and young people and loads more events for older people to help challenge loneliness, get them active and outside and support them to live independent lives.

Recent research proves that spending time outside helps people to lead healthier, happier lives. The ‘Leafy Ladybarn’ aims to get people active, bringing them together, bridging the differences between culture and generations.

James Field (Trustee, Ladybarn Community Centre) says “we are so excited about reaching the finals of the People’s Millions!” He goes on to say that “this project will have a massive impact on our community and help people to lead better lives. We’re asking everyone to please vote for us to help make our project possible!”

For further information, visit:, or contact James Field, on 0789 541 5839.
