Living Longer, Living Better – Housing for an Age-Friendly Manchester

Do you want to help make Manchester a better place to live?

Here’s a great opportunity to shape the future of the city’s homes and housing services.

Manchester City Council are developing a new Housing Strategy for Older People – “Living Longer, Living Better - Housing for an Age Friendly Manchester”.

This is a key strategy for partners and older people in Manchester – the UK’s first Age Friendly City. It not only sets out how housing for older people will evolve over the coming years and what action is needed to be taken now, but it inextricably links to how care and health services will be commissioned and provided for the older population. It also describes how they can build to retain the existing population and attract new older people.

Manchester City Council know we are all going to live longer in the future, but some of us will still have ill health. The Strategy needs to recognise this and prepare for it to ensure that Manchester supports older households to stay connected to their neighbourhoods and communities.

The Strategy is centred around five themes:
• Retirement Housing
• Age Friendly Neighbourhoods
• Social Participation
• Enabling Independence
• Advice and Guidance

An important part of the Strategy is that should be done to make it easier for people to plan ahead and make informed decisions on their future housing needs by offering a “Housing MOT” to all residents aged 55 or over.

To read the draft Strategy document, visit:  

For further information and to take part, visit:

The deadline for comments is Friday 31 October 2014, 5pm.