Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales – Racial Equity Funding

lloyds bank foundationLloyds Bank Foundation’s Racial Equity funding strand is aimed at charities where more than half of their Trustee Board self-identify as belonging to a Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic community. The charity must have a focus on supporting people from specific Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic communities to overcome any of the following 11 Complex Social Issues:

  • Addiction and dependency on alcohol, drugs and/or gambling
  • Asylum seekers and refugees
  • Care leavers
  • Domestic and sexual abuse
  • Homeless and vulnerably housed
  • Learning disabilities
  • Mental health
  • Offending, prison or community service
  • Sexual exploitation
  • Trafficking and modern slavery
  • Young parents

The funding is intended for charities that can demonstrate that some of the services they provide are in-depth, holistic, and targeted at a particular Complex Social Issue.

Applications will be accepted from registered charities that are led by and for members of specific Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic communities (more than half the Trustee Board must self-identify as belonging to a Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic community.

Successful applicants will receive:

  • Two-year unrestricted grants of £50,000
  • Support from the Foundation’s regional managers who will work with them to access a wide range of organisational development support to help meet identified needs

The first step in the application process is to read the eligibility criteria and then complete the short eligibility checker, on the website

Apply here 

Applications can be submitted at any time as there are no closing dates.