Macc Stakeholder Survey September 2015 – Findings

We recently sent out a Stakeholder Survey asking for your comments and views as we need to make decisions about how we address our reducing funds and the need to change the way we operate in order to continue to meet the demand for our support.

“On behalf of everyone at Macc, I would like to thank all the groups and individuals who participated in this survey. I know we’re all asked to complete surveys all the time nowadays so we’re very grateful to those who took time to respond to us. Like many other Manchester organisations, Macc faces challenges and opportunities. The survey responses will inform our decision making and planning. We are of course looking at ways to generate income as our funding reduces and we remain committed to meeting the existing and emerging needs of the local VCSE as effectively, efficiently and fairly as possible.” Mike Wild, Chief Executive

What did Macc learn from the survey?
We received over 100 responses – with 68% of respondents identifying as a Voluntary organisation, Community group or Social Enterprise and 59% were members of Macc

The feedback we received on the support and advice received was very positive

We asked our members and stakeholders about:

Different approaches to providing capacity building support: most respondents understand the need to look at different models, including potentially charging larger organisations and prioritising certain groups for free support (but that there are risks and potential negative impacts of these approaches)

A paid membership of Macc: two-thirds said they would consider it if they received additional support and benefits

The most important factors when paying for support: Quality of service (95%), Knowledge of VCSE policy issues (77%), Price (73%), Reputation of provider (70%), VCSE sector expertise (70%)

Of those respondents that had paid for specialist support and advice:

• The most common services were fundraising, business planning, evaluation, quality standards, evidencing impact, IT, HR and accountancy

• These were paid from grants (43%), operating costs (32%), reserves (20%), voucher (14%)

Respondents stated the following as areas they will need support in 2015 and 2016: Evidencing social value; recruiting volunteers; networking with other organisations; grant applications; crowdfunding / online donations; advertising jobs, events and services

What happens next?
We will publish the complete findings from the survey shortly and via the Manchester Community Central website.
We will be exploring key elements of our work in more detail in the very near future.
Macc's Board of Trustees will be considering the findings at their next meeting.
We will continue to engage and consult with Macc members, VCSE groups and key stakeholders in future.