The International Centre: researching child sexual exploitation, violence and trafficking are looking for children and young people to take part in an online survey about help-seeking and support for children who may be affected by sexual abuse in the family environment. This survey is targeted at young people aged 11 – 18 including those who have who have not necessarily been affected by sexual abuse.
To give you some background, Making Noise is a research project The International Centre: researching child sexual exploitation, violence and trafficking is undertaking for the Office of the Children’s Commissioner for England, in partnership with NSPCC. It will inform their wider national inquiry into child sexual abuse (CSAFE).
It seeks to listen to, and learn from, children aged 5 – 18 and provides a means to ensure the direct voices of children are heard within this inquiry including their ideas about how help seeking and support and processes could be improved. For more information, visit:
The project has been subject to a rigorous ethical review process and approval for the project has been granted by The Association of Directors of Children’s Services, NSPCC, Barnardo’s and the University of Bedfordshire.
The International Centre: researching child sexual exploitation, violence and trafficking are now in the final phase of fieldwork and would like to offer any children or young people you work with to participate in an online survey. The survey seeks to hear from a more generic group of children and young people aged 11 – 18 who have not necessarily been affected by sexual abuse to find out their views on:
• Children’s access to information and preventative education about child abuse
• Their understanding of service availability, and
• Factors that might increase their confidence to seek support
The International Centre: researching child sexual exploitation, violence and trafficking are conscious of both the sensitivities of this work and the existing pressures on services but would be keen to work with you to find suitable ways to support children to have their voices heard through this project. All participants receive a £10 voucher as a thank you for their contribution and will be kept up to date about the progress and outcomes of the project.
For further information, contact Elizabeth Ackerley, Research Assistant, on 0754 889 3512, or email: [email protected]