Could you make a contribution to this local charity?
Do you have a background in business development, finance or fundraising?
Would you get satisfaction from helping to direct a local charity?
Our activities
Manchester Care & Repair provides award-winning quality services to help older people and people living with a disability to live safely at home. Through a dedicated team of staff and volunteers we provide a handyperson service which delivers small repairs, minor adaptations and falls prevention measures, a technical support service to facilitate home repairs and adaptations and a caseworker service providing assistance with welfare benefit claims. We work with two local authorities and three CCGs in Greater Manchester and actively fund-raise to support our vital work. We work in a fast-changing policy environment and have challenging future plans. Our website is
Your skills
We are aiming to broaden the networks and experience of the Board as we continue to develop our links with local authority/health commissioners, and strengthen our expertise in business development, finance and fundraising. We also wish to reflect the diversity of our service users in our Board, and currently have under-representation from BME backgrounds at Board level.
What’s involved?
You will contribute to the main Board meeting (4 times a year held early evening) and if your specialism is finance you may be required to attend finance committee meetings also held 4 times per year early evenings. In return we offer conferences, training, out-of pocket expenses and the opportunity to develop your skills and experience with an active Board.
Our Board member application pack can be downloaded from, or Tel: 0161 872 5500, [email protected]. For further information, please call Janette Linacre, Executive Director on 0161 872 5500.
The deadline for applications to be received is 31st December 2017.
Interviews to be held mid-January 2018.