Manchester Care and Repair seeks new voluntary Board members

Could this be your local contribution?
Do you have a strategic perspective or commercial experience?
Do you offer marketing, fundraising, HR or legal skills?
Would you get satisfaction from helping direct a local charity?

Manchester Care and Repair provides award-winning quality services to help older and disabled people to live safely at home. Through a team of staff and volunteers Manchester Care and Repair provides a handyperson service and give support with using building contractors and claiming welfare benefits.

Manchester Care and Repair work with three local authorities and the NHS and do fund-raising and enterprise. Manchester Care and Repair work in a fast-changing policy environment and have challenging future plans. For further information, visit:

Manchester Care and Repair are aiming to broaden the networks and experience of the Board as they develop their social enterprise and fundraising activities. Manchester Care and Repair also wish to reflect the diversity of their users and staff in their Board, and currently have under-representation of BME backgrounds and disability at Board level.

Board members will contribute to the main Board meeting (6 times a year, early evening in the Hulme / Old Trafford area) and to task groups addressing current issues. In return Manchester Care and Repair offer conferences, training, out-of pocket expenses and the opportunity to develop your skills and experience with an active Board.

To apply, visit:…, or contact 0161 872 5500, or email: [email protected] for an application pack.

For further information, contact Maggie Walker, Chief Executive, on 0161 874 1682.

Deadline for applications: Monday 4 March 2013