Manchester City Council has published its proposed budget for 2013/14, setting out how it will address a £40 million funding shortfall over the next financial year, rising to around £80m in 2014/15.
The Council's financial position, and proposals for dealing with it, are set out in a series of reports to be considered by its Executive when it meets on Wednesday 23 January.
The Council has already had to make £170m of savings between 2011 and 2013. Now, following the latest financial settlement from central government, the Council must address a further funding gap of around £80m by 2014/15.
The £80m is accounted for by a combination of around £50m in central funding cuts and £30m in unavoidable cost pressures caused by factors such as inflation, a growing population – with extra demands on services for older people, people with learning disabilities and those with mental health and physical disabilities for instance - and increased levies on the council from transport and waste disposal authorities which the settlement from government does not take into account.
In the financial settlement for 2011-13, Manchester was the fifth hardest hit local authority in the country despite having the fourth highest level of deprivation. This time round, using the government's own Spending Power calculation (which understated the real level of cuts) a reduction of 8.2 per cent over the two years 2013-15 – has been handed the biggest percentage cut of any of England's core cities (the eight largest cities outside London), the biggest in Greater Manchester and the largest of any large metropolitan area outside the capital.
To view the Budget Proposals presentation, please see attached.
A consultation with residents and businesses on the budget proposals and priorities set out by the Council has been launched. To have your say about the proposals, visit:
The closing date for comments on the budgetary consultation is Wednesday 20 February 2013.
Further consultation about changes to services, including libraries and leisure centres, will begin on Wednesday 23 January.
Firmed up budget proposals will be put forward at the Executive meeting on Wednesday 13 February with a definitive budget to be approved at the Council meeting on Wednesday 6 March.
Live Twitter Q and A:
There will be a live Twitter question and answer session for Manchester residents who have questions about the budget proposals with Manchester City Council leader Sir Richard Leese from 4pm to 5pm this Friday, 18 January. Follow @SirRichardLeese and use the hashtag #asktheleader to take part.