Manchester Community Safety Strategy 2014-2017 Partnership Burglary and Robbery Plan

The Manchester Community Safety Strategy for 2014-2017 produced by Manchester City Council following public consultation sets out priority areas for all organisations operating in the Manchester area.

Some of the organisations have a statutory requirement to align and provide services to address these priorities whilst some organisations and groups may be doing so on a voluntary basis and should be encouraged to contribute to reducing crime and disorder within their communities in line with the priorities.

Chief Superintendent Catherine Hankinson of Greater Manchester Police has strategic lead for priority 6 (Thematic Priority 6: Tackling the crimes that are committed most frequently and which have the most impact on communities) which focusses on tackling crime which occurs most frequently. This includes Domestic Abuse however the focus of this communication is surrounding Burglary and Robbery issues.

Domestic Abuse will be addressed through establishing a Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub and via Delivering Differently Work.

The request from the Partnership team is to ask service providers to contribute to the delivery plans and demonstrate any activity that your respective organisations either already deliver to address these issues or plan to deliver in the future.

As organisations and community groups are moving forward in these times of austerity it will be vitally important to collaborate on and maximise the opportunity to understand what is happening in other organisations, work together to avoid duplication and where beneficial conduct joint activity to ease the organisational burden.

Once completed the plans will be shared with the contributors and the activity will be monitored to ensure that Manchester City Council is meeting the requirements of the communities of Manchester.

The plan will be compiled detailing work under the following headings:
Communication (Including Engagement/Education)

Where appropriate time scales for delivery should be included as well as any details of ownership and potential outcome measures to demonstrate productivity / success.

Manchester City Council are asking if organisations could consider their own organisational activity in line with this priority and detail any aspect that you feel would fit into the plan and be able to be shared with other partners and the wider Manchester community your contributions will be collated and fed into the overarching plan.

Draft initial plans are attached to demonstrate the required format and some suggestions for partner activity as well as a copy of the Community Safety strategy.

The return date for submissions is: Friday 27 February 2015.

All responses should be emailed to: [email protected]