Manchester Healthy Weight Strategy Community Activity Fund

The Manchester Healthy Weight Strategy was published in March 2020. A strength of the Healthy Weight Strategy has been community activity and neighbourhood provision to support healthy a blue bag with a yellow ribbon around the top and white pound sign on the frontweight for residents in Manchester. In the duration of the strategy, it has been able to support groups and activities across the city to provide physical activity or cookery sessions, developing good habits and basic skills. More neighbourhoods can now be supported with small grants between £500 - £4,000 to fund further health promotion activities and community projects.

Following the launch of the Local Authority Healthy Weight Declaration earlier this year, in partnership with Food Active, the community activity fund presents the opportunity to lead local action and demonstrate good practice to promote healthy weight and well-being in communities.

Applications are welcomed from applicants who can not only demonstrate how their project or initiative supports the four key strands of the Healthy Weight Strategy but can also promote the ambitions of the Healthy Weight Declaration through their project.

Applications should be emailed to: [email protected]

Deadline: 25 August 2023