How do we make Manchester the best it can be up to 2025? The Manchester Leader Forum have drafted strategy with help from many groups and they would like your views and ideas.
The Manchester Leaders Forum, which has developed the Manchester strategy, will oversee the development of a detailed shorter term plan that will identify actions to support the overall aims. Key organisations and individuals across the city, from the public and voluntary sectors, from businesses and the arts all have a part to play.
The people of Manchester can make a difference too. They are what the city is about. By helping shape this vision through the consultation process, by committing to making their city world class, Manchester’s potential can be fulfilled. Our city will be truly exceptional.
Consultation runs to the end of October. We encourage all our partners to contribute to the development of the first implementation plan that will cover the first three-to-five years of the strategy.
To view the strategy and to give your views, visit: by 30 October 2015.