Manchester City Council recognises the important role Work Clubs play in providing flexible and informal employment support to workless Manchester residents. In recognition of the valuable role they play in delivering employment support services, Manchester City Council has made available grant funding for Manchester Work Clubs to apply for.
The Work and Skills Team is responsible for the administration of this grant programme.
The aim of Manchester Work Club Grant Funding is to contribute to Manchester City Council’s priority of increasing the number of Manchester residents who are working. It will:
• Provide an opportunity for established Work Clubs in Manchester to undertake initiatives, short projects or increase resources to improve outcomes for their clients. Specifically, this funding is to undertake activities that will improve the quality and quantity of services provided to Work Club clients
• Support Manchester Work Clubs to build their resources with the aim of becoming financially more sustainable.
Priorities of grants
Manchester City Council is looking to fund work club settings that:
• Develop or maintain partnerships/work collaboratively with other employment support and training providers, such as other Work Clubs, programmes such as Working Well and employers
• Work with partners who are delivering other funded employment support/skills activity and, where appropriate, refer onto further education provision such as MAES, The Manchester College, and Skills for Employment
• Promote Apprenticeships
• Use the Our Manchester Approach to support residents with a wider range of issues surrounding work, i.e. housing, emotional support, mental health
To be eligible to apply, organisations must be:
• Not-for-profit: voluntary and community organisations, social enterprises, co-operatives and mutual societies, Community Interest Companies, charities i.e. non-governmental organisations which are value driven and which principally invest their surpluses to further social, environmental or cultural objectives.
• Based in the City of Manchester and currently delivering Work Club activity to Manchester residents
The value of this Manchester Work Club Grant Funding programme is £200,000 in total. Applicants can apply for a maximum of £20,000 over the two years period.
The programme will run from April 2018 to March 2020.
The prospectus, application form and application form guidance can be found attached. Completed applications should be sent to: Michael D’Ambra, Work and Skills Team, by email to: M.D'[email protected], or by post to: Michael D’Ambra, Work and Skills Team, Growth and Neighbourhoods Directorate, Manchester City Council , Level 3, Library Walk, Town Hall Extension, Manchester, M60 2LA
For further information, contact Michael D’Ambra, on 0161 234 1515, or email: M.D'[email protected]
Deadline: Monday 26 March 2018, 10:00