Manchester Youth Zone TechOver

TechOver is an interactive careers fair that aims to introduce local schools and colleges in North Manchester to digital technology and how it shapes the modern workplace. It will offer them a chance to experience how new technology can improve and reimagine existing jobs, as well as create new ones. Manchester Youth Zone

Manchester Youth Zone are looking for companies/employers from a wide range of sectors who can provide either/or inspirational talks, practical experiences or presentations with digital technology. This can include IT/ software/websites/apps, animation, coding, simulations, robotics, virtual reality, logistics, environmental sustainability and any other aspects of work that will inspire young people with a passion for digital technology.

Primary School students (10+11 years max 150) will attend between 9:30am – 11am
Secondary School students (14-16 years max 150) will attend between 11.30am – 1pm
College students (16-18 years max 100) will come in for 2pm-3:30pm

Groups will be made of roughly of about 9-13 students spending around 15 minutes at designated stalls moving systematically.

For further information and to get involved, contact Claire Bex on 0161 507 5114, or email: [email protected]
