Manchester's RADEQUAL Campaign and grant programme was launched in September 2016 to build community resilience and empower and enable voluntary and community sector organisations and communities to come together to challenge hate, prejudice and extremism.
The RADEQUAL Campaign and Grant programme were co designed with communities, Manchester City Council, Greater Manchester Police and the Foundation for Peace through the Rethinking Radicalisation programme in Manchester. This has led to the delivery of a number of activities being delivered through the voluntary and community sector during January to March of this year and the development of the Manchester RADEQUAL Community Network which continues to meet to drive the campaign forward across communities and the city.
Following the terrorist attacks at the Manchester Arena on 22 May and attacks at London Bridge and Finsbury Park, RADEQUAL has engaged with a range of communities, stakeholders and partners and reflected on the overwhelming offers of support from communities and the voluntary and community sector to continue to strengthen the relationships, unity and resilience in the city. The RADEQUAL Campaign provides a platform for this work to take place.
Manchester needs your help to make sure that they continue to support communities and one another to remain resilient, united and safe.
Grants of up to £2,000 are available for groups and organisations wishing to develop activities that promote and deliver the RADEQUAL Campaign principles and grant priorities. Activities will need to be delivered between 1 September 2017 and31 March 2018.
The grant can be used to deliver a range of activities which strengthen existing delivery or try new and creative ways of tackling the challenges that exist. A strong application will include activities across a number of the funding priority areas.
Who can apply?
Voluntary and Community Sector and not for profit organisations and groups across the city of Manchester. Grant applications are welcome from community organisations, registered social landlords, charities, groups working with young people, media and creative arts groups etc. Joint applications are also encourage which really demonstrate collaborative working.
The RADEQUAL Campaign Grant Application Form can be found below.
To find out more about the RADEQUAL Campaign and to apply for a grant visit: , or contact Gemma Walsh, Community Safety Delivery Officer, on 0161 234 3923 or email: [email protected]
Deadline: Monday 31 July 2017