Manchester’s Spirit Story week is nearly here!

Next week, over 35 Manchester voluntary sector organisations will be involved in Spirit Story, a week-long campaign to provide a snapshot of how our work makes a difference to people and communities across the city.

The activities that will be included vary from a youth group to community gardening and a sporting memories group. Even if your organisation isn’t involved, you can follow the stories next week in a number of ways:

Social media – we will be tweeting every day from the Manchester Community Central account @McrCommCentral and @PolicyVoiceMacc, the account for the Macc Policy & Influence Team. Manchester City Council and other supporters will also be helping us to spread the message.

Website – we will be adding stories to the news section of our website,…, from Monday and throughout the week. Some of these will also appear on the Spirit of Manchester Facebook page - Liking this page will also keep you up to date with news of the upcoming Spirit Festival and Awards.

Bulletin – a daily bulletin will be sent out over the week with full details of the stories

Storify – daily stories will be published and promoted through our website and social media

Please help us to tell the story of the important role that the sector plays by sharing Spirit Story with your networks and contacts.

For more information, please contact Nigel Rose on 0161 834 9823 or email [email protected]