MBMEN CIC Awards – Celebrating Black History 2020

manchester bme networkPurpose: 2020 has been a challenging year for everybody, particularly those from BAME communities. The Manchester BME Network (MBMEN) want to acknowledge that all lives matter, but want to support and give recognition to Black Lives Matter.

MBMEN want to mark Black History Month 2020 by giving recognition to the remarkable contributions of the BAME community in Manchester during these unprecedented times. MBMEN would like to acknowledge this through recognition awards, giving you all the opportunity to nominate organisations and individuals.

The celebration event will take place on 23 October, 4pm - 6pm, Online

Recognition Awards Categories:
Two awardees per category one for an organisation and one for an individual

  1. Food response – any group or individual who provided food for others in time of need
  2. Ethnically diverse food response – any group or individual who provided food with particular attention to ethnic, cultural or faith needs
  3. Destitute community response – any group or individual reaching out to the homeless and destitute community
  4. Digital inclusion – any group or individual who has supported others to become digitally included
  5. Befriending – any group or individual who has supported those who are shielding or isolated and keeping them connected
  6. Kindness – any individual or group that has demonstrated remarkable kindness to others and gone beyond the usual
  7. Wider stakeholder response to BAME – for dedication to supporting the BAME community

Special Award:

        8. Lifetime Award – To any individual who has provided dedicated services to the Manchester BAME community

To make a nomination complete the nomination form here by Sunday 18 October 2020.

To register for the event click here