A message from Andy Burnham, Brendan Cox and Sir Richard Leese - Invite to a special Get Together in Manchester this Friday

“Dear Friends,
We know that after the horrific events of the last few weeks Greater Manchester has shown incredible strength in the face of unspeakable evil.

Mancunians, Londoners and everyone in the country are grieving following the attacks, but we have shown a determination not to be divided as the extremists want. Instead we will come together to build even stronger communities.

The work you are doing to support The Great Get Together, either through organising a get together or supporting one in your area, is now even more important.

In Greater Manchester we have been through difficult days but we’ve seen the power of our communities when we come together, stand as one and say we will not be divided. That is what The Great Get Together weekend is all about.

By celebrating all that we have in common, we show that there is so much more that unites us. So we hope you are still going ahead, although understand that for some this might not now be possible.

If you feel inspired to hold an event, but haven’t yet had chance to get planning don’t worry, there’s still time and lots of tips on The Great Get Together website here

Whether you are holding an event or not, we would also be incredibly grateful if you were able to come along to the Greater Manchester Great Get Together that is being held in Manchester Cathedral Gardens this Friday 16 June 2017, between 20:00 and 22:00.

This will be a chance for our communities to come together once again, to stand strong and show that we will not be divided. As well as share food and enjoy family entertainment, like music and street performers.

Hope to see you there,
Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester
Brendan Cox, The Jo Cox Foundation
Sir Richard Leese, Leader of Manchester City Council

P.S. Here's a video explaining why the Great Get Together is needed now more than ever.”