National Football Museum - Achieve Your Goals

Denise Lambert and Martine Connolly have developed two free courses aimed at helping low-income Manchester residents gain the skills they need to get into work, apply for jobs, and increase confidence.

Everybody has a football story. We use the museum galleries, objects and stories to make the learning practical and relevant to everyday life. The skills gained will give learners confidence and build self-esteem, as well as prepare them for the workplace.

The programme will provide support, information and guidance to help people to progress into learning, volunteering or employment. The two courses include ‘Match Ready’, a 50 hour course including a placement, and ‘Cultural Kick Off’, a 15 hour course.

New courses start and run every month between October 2018 and May 2019.

If you belong to a Manchester postcode and would like to join our courses, please contact Denise Lambert at [email protected], or call 0161 871 8182.