A new home for Macc and a venue for the local voluntary and community sector – survey results

Like many other local groups Macc is determined to ensure that it continues to operate in the city and that we meet the current and future needs of the sector as efficiently and effectively as possible. We are currently investigating opportunities to re-locate our offices through the potential transfer of assets from Manchester City Council.

During February 2015 Macc undertook an extensive survey to gather important views and opinions from our members, customers and stakeholders. 266 groups and individuals participated through an online questionnaire, focus groups and interviews.

Mike Wild, Macc Chief Executive said: “We have been astounded by the number of survey responses and the level of support that we have received for our proposal. The results of the survey really will help to guide our plans for the future. On behalf of our staff and trustees I would like to thank all the individuals and groups who gave up their valuable time to participate in the survey and for CSO-CIC who efficiently managed the process on our behalf.”

What did Macc learn from the survey?
Location - Respondents stated that Macc should be based: In the city centre (67%); Within than half a mile of the city centre (46%); Within a mile of the city centre (29%); Further than a mile from the city (12%)

Accessibility - Respondents stated that Macc should take into consideration: Ease of access via public transport (82%); Availability/cost of car parking (56%); Time taken to get there (55%); Ease of access via walking (48%); Ease of access via car (40%); Availability of bike storage (22%); Ease of access via cycle lanes (12%)

Needs of Volunteers - Respondents felt that volunteers needed: Access to information (67%); Space for training (66%); Space to meet together (54%); Access to equipment (42%); Support to resolve issues (38%); 1-to-1 meeting space (32%)

Support for Macc’s plans - 90% of the survey respondents felt it would be beneficial for Macc to take responsibility for a community asset. Respondents stated that they believed it would provide continuity, freedom to change services, income, stability, sustainability and security of tenure. The majority of respondents felt it would give Macc strength and enable long term planning as well as being more affordable. One respondent stated that the plans would create a ‘VCS Hub that would be identifiable as a community resource that the sector could feel ownership of’

Survey respondents were entered into a free prize draw to win free room hire and 2 free annual licenses for the Learning Zone, Macc’s online learning portal. The winner of the prize draw was the Manchester Deaf Centre.

For further information about the Learning Zone visit: www.manchestercommunitycentral.org/learning-zone