The NHS explained: how the health system in England really works: Online course

The NHS is a unique health care system placed above the Royal Family and the BBC as a source of national pride. But how much do you know about the history of the NHS and how it all works and fits together? What will it look like in the future? The King's Fund

This new course by The Kings Fund will help you understand the building blocks that make up the health care system in England through videos with experts from The King's Fund, articles and quizzes. You will learn about the intricate parts that contribute towards the running of the fifth largest employer in the world. You will explore the challenges facing the NHS and how we can tackle these to ensure a health and care system that's fit for the future.

This free course will be hosted on Futurelearn in October 2018. You'll need to set up a free Futurelearn account to take part. The course will run for four weeks. Each week will take around two hours to complete.

Who is this course for?
NHS and social care staff in England (including those who work in non-clinical roles)
Anyone considering a career in the NHS in England. This includes A-Level students who are making career decisions or overseas staff who are interested in working in the NHS in England, Patients and the general public. This includes lay members on the boards of NHS organisations or patients who actively participate in the NHS, such as GP/patient groups.

For further information and to register, visit:, or email: [email protected]