To celebrate World Aids Day BHA are holding a Market Place event and workshops that promote the health and wellbeing of BME individuals and communities in Manchester.
The event will take place on Saturday 3 December 2016, 11am-4pm at St. Thomas Centre, Ardwick Green North, Manchester, M12 6FZ.
BHA are inviting community providers to hold an information stall at the event. There is no charge for the stall at the event or if you want to hold a workshop for participants. If you would like to hold a health workshop at the event or offer testing indicate this on the booking form attached.
Typically each stall will be equipped with 2 chairs and a 6ft trestle table (no linens will be provided). Due to the limited space BHA will only be able to allocate one stall per provider.
To book your stall complete the booking form and return by email to: [email protected]
For further information, contact Emma Zurowski on 0161 874 2183, or email: [email protected]