PatchWork - Mobile Artistic Mental Health and Wellbeing Service, Trafford and South Manchester

Creativity is known to be expressive and to give pleasure. It is another means of commenting on the world around us, a distraction from worries and/or a way of processing positive and negative emotions. Being creative is something that is personal, which can give self-belief and confidence.

The idea behind PatchWork is the understanding that through creativity, in this case artistic expression, it is possible to give those experiencing mental illness and who perhaps find difficulty with communication, another means of self-expression. Not only that, but through meeting together in a group environment with like minded, empathetic and understanding people, it can give the previously disconnected and socially isolated, within their own communities, a home from home, purpose and new found supportive relationships.

Working within a group is a vital component to the therapeutic environment. As relationships and friendships develop service users begin to share ideas, comment and encourage one another as well as draw on each other’s enthusiasm as means of positivity and encouragement to maintain attendance.

What is a Mobile Artistic Mental Health and Wellbeing Service’ and what does this look like in practice?
PatchWork aims to run art sessions where service users can utilize free equipment and materials to produce art in a safe therapeutic setting as a means of stress reduction in a group environment.

It is a ‘mobile’ service as the sessions are held in various locations across Trafford and south Manchester where there is an obvious need. This could be anywhere from a community centre or college to a local hospital, allowing service users to access sessions with minimal stress of travel and transport.

The sessions themselves are aimed at those who have long-term mental health issues and those who have found their health to be affected by such issues as bereavement, stress and/or trauma.

How is the service accessed and who may join a session?
Access to the service is by referral only, via GP, hospital or counselling service etc.

Sessions are available to both adolescents (13+) and adults. However groups will be divided into the following age brackets: 13 - 16 (school children), 16 - 19, adults at 20+.

To enquire about a session within your community contact Patrick Green, on 0776 540 8858 or email: [email protected]
