The Youth Fund will provide core funding to organisations within the youth sector and outside. This is a direct response to feedback from their strategy consultation – that in order to achieve greatest positive impact in the lives of young people you work with or for, you need to achieve a balance of stability, continuity and flexibility
Not-for-profit organisations working in the youth sector and with young people are eligible to apply. However, the Fund will be restricted to organisations which have the potential to grow their impact by:
• Replicating a programme or service
• Widening the reach of an idea or innovation
• Spreading a technology or skill
• Advancing policy or enhancing its implementation
Funding is available to cover the core costs of an organisations work.
The PHF is interested in funding organisations whose main purpose is about helping young people in the most precarious positions where making the transition to adult independence is most challenging, and those who are most vulnerable. This includes young people in the following circumstances:
• Poverty and lack of income.
• Unemployment and poor employment prospects or insecure attachment to the labour market.
• Discrimination, for example on the basis of race or ethnicity, gender, sexuality or religion.
• Being stigmatised by others, including the media.
• Experience of abuse, victimisation or exploitation.
• Homelessness.
• Trouble with the law and involvement in the criminal justice system.
• Becoming a parent at a young age and lacking support.
• Lacking support with mental health and wellbeing.
• Lacking support to manage having a learning disability.
• Experience of the care system or kinship care, family mental health or addiction problems.
• Struggling with addiction or a stigmatising health condition.
Grants of between £10,000 and £60,000 are available for up to two years, with the possibility of renewal in exceptional cases. Priority will be given to organisations working in areas of social and economic deprivation outside of London.
Applications can be submitted at any time.
For further information and to apply, visit: