Charlie, a student at the London School of Economics, studying Local Economic Development, who grew up in Manchester and studied for an undergraduate degree in Manchester, is currently writing a Master’s thesis on what prevents communities in Manchester from benefitting from the Cities economic growth and development. Charlie wants to understand how local people and communities in Manchester can benefit more from regional and national economic objectives.
Using empirical evidence and semi-structured interviews Charlie intends to provide a local perspective that is often lacking within mainstream debates about who benefits from economic growth and the development of Manchester city centre. This is a particularly important area of research for voluntary sector organisations that have experienced substantial budget cuts over the last few years, which makes voluntary research like my own even more essential.
Charlie is looking to do 10 interviews from local community groups and people, which will be compared to 10 other interviews with local policy makers. The interviews will take place on 30 June. If you are interested or need any more information contact Charlie on 0798 467 8824, or email: [email protected].