Research on women homeworkers - help requested

Homeworkers Worldwide would like you to get in contact if through your organisation’s work - or wider community engagement - you are aware of anyone involved in garment and textile manufacturing in Greater Manchester. Homeworkers Worldwide

Over the next few months, Lucy Brill, a researcher working with Homeworkers’ Worldwide, an international women's organisation that works with homeworkers and other women workers around the world, is working on an initial mapping process of the textiles and garment industry in Greater Manchester. The aim of this research is to contribute towards improving the sustainability of the industry in the UK, so that it can provide secure livelihoods and decent working condition for workers involved in these subcontracting chains.

At this stage Homeworkers Worldwide is collecting any information about the production and distribution of textiles and garments in the region, for example, general information about broader trends, or anecdotal information about particular locations, companies or communities that might be involved.

Homeworkers Worldwide are also interested in any information about people working in the industry, for example, machinists or workers involved in finishing and distribution.

If you can help at all - or if you could suggest people or organisations Homeworkers Worldwide can contact, contact Lucy Brill on 0781 399 8322, or email: [email protected]