Small Charity Week 2020 15 - 20 June

small charity weekSmall Charity Week celebrates and raises awareness of the essential work of the UK’s small charity sector who make an invaluable contribution to the lives of millions of individuals, communities and causes across the UK and the rest of the world.

I ♥ Small Charities Day Monday 15 June
Small Charity Week 2020 will kick off with I ♥ Small Charities Day on 15 June. This is a day to raise awareness of the work of all small charities across the UK.  This year NAVCA are supporting the day.

Big Advice Day Tuesday 16 June
Expert advice is not always easy to come by when resources are stretched, and this can be a particular problem for small charities. This year the FSI are supporting the day.

This year, due to COVID-19 Big Advice Day will be delivered digitally by advisors from across the UK. Small charities and local community groups (those with an annual turnover up to £1 million) can access free expert 1:1 advice on a variety of topics via Skype or phone.

Big Advice Day: Workshops and Advice Corner Information
In addition to the scheduled advice clinics there is also an Advice Corner where you can drop in for advice on the spot, and a programme of short workshops to maximise your learning.  Workshops will be run from ten-past until ten-to each hour.

Big Advice Day: Advice Sessions
The Foundation for Social Improvement (FSI) are hosting their annual Big Advice Day with a host of brilliant experts signing up to share their experience in a range of areas.

Policy Day Wednesday 17 June
Small charities are the centre of Civil Society. In the UK 97% of charities have an annual turnover of less than £1 million, but in terms of impact on local communities here and across the globe their contribution is phenomenal.

It is therefore important that the voices of small charities are heard above the noise created by larger and better resourced charities. To mark Policy Day 2020, events will be held in London and around the country to raise the profile of these organisations with policy makers and influencers. This year NCVO are supporting Policy Day.

Fundraising Day Thursday 18 June
Fundraising Day is the perfect opportunity for small charities to engage with current and new supporters to get fundraising. This year Localgiving will be supporting Fundraising Day 2020 with plenty of free events, initiatives and resources for your charity to have engaged with.

Small Charity Big Impact Day Friday 19 June
This year during Small Charity Week Small Charity Big Impact Day will be used to raise awareness of the incredible impact that UK small charities have locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.

Appreciation Day Saturday 20 June
Small Charity Week closes on 20 June with a day to appreciate small charities everywhere. Appreciation Day is a great big thank you to small charities for all the effort you put in to make the world a better place. This year Small Charities Coalition are supporting the day.

For more information click here