A group of seven young women aged 19- 23 (including two volunteers) went to a Lush showcase at the Manchester Convention Centre. The group had received free VIP tickets to the event, which entitled the young women to being at the front of the queue, a bag full of complementary products, food and generally being made to feel really special.
This event was arranged by the Proud Trust, a life saving and life enhancing organisation that helps young people empower themselves to make a positive change for themselves and their communities. They do this through youth groups, peer support, managing the LGBT Centre for Manchester, delivering training and events, campaigning, undertaking research and creating resources.
The young women participated in activities including making their own bath bombs, there were plenty of displays to look at, talks to listen to and free samples to take away. They chose this activity because it was something different to do, and also something that might otherwise have been financially out of their reach.
The group meets regularly and is run by and for young women.
Nichola from the Proud Trust said "They all had a fantastic time. There is a real positive benefit to a group of young lesbians being seen, being out and being proud together. The trip definitely had a huge positive impact on the young women’s well-being and mental health, and they will have taken this feeling home into their communities and workplaces, for an even more positive knock on effect."
One of the group, Georgia, said "I've had the best time, doing things I wouldn't normally be able to afford to do"