Before the pandemic, Europia offered face to face appointments to help those who needed to apply to continue to live in the UK lawfully following the EU settlement scheme. Of course they can no longer do this in person, so now the sessions are being held over the phone or remotely, providing advice and submitting applications on the clients’ behalf.
People need a secure UK status in order for them to access essential services such as the NHS and education and allow them to find employment. These sessions allow their clients to talk through issues such as applying for Universal Credit and passing the Habitual Residence Test in order for them to find secure employment and increase the security in their lives.
Europia have helped up to 250 people apply for Universal Credit and therefore live and provide for their families and continue to do so despite the difficulties of the pandemic. One client had his settled status arrive on his birthday and said it was "the best birthday present he had ever been given".
To find out more, you can visit the Europia website at