Spirit of Manchester Story Week 2020 - Holding on to hope

Josie runs an hour-long online coffee morning every Monday for women refugees, asylum seekers and others trying to find sanctuary. The activity is organised by Manchester City of Sanctuary which is part of City of Sanctuary UK, a network of organisations aiming to provide a welcoming place of safety to people fleeing violence and persecution.

When Josie first got involved with these coffee mornings earlier this year, they happened monthly and in person. Then came Covid-19 and since March, the activity has taken place weekly and online. Around four to ten women drop in for each session where they are able to chat with each other and sometimes play games. Josie says, "The coffee morning regulars are keen to see each other, particularly because for some it’s one of the few ways they can routinely meet friends and people with similar backgrounds".

Each meetup is a positive, welcoming experience for those involved. A rare opportunity to connect and socialise with others, to escape loneliness and the pressures of being locked-down and in Josie’s words “to hold on to hope”.

Manchester City of Sanctuary offers other online activities for women such as Tuesday evening yoga and music sessions, and is looking to provide creative writing and dancing classes!

For more information
Email [email protected]  | Phone 07546 575195
Web https://manchester.cityofsanctuary.org/ | Post Manchester City of Sanctuary, C/O Inspire Community Center, 747 Stockport Road, Manchester, M19 3AR
Follow Manchester City of Sanctuary on Twitter @ManchesterCoS or like their Facebook page for the latest news.

