Spirit of Manchester Story Week 2020 - What does wellbeing mean to you?

The LAB Project delivers courses in employability and wellbeing, and in lieu of the Covid-19 crisis, has had to adapt quickly to take these online.

Courses run Monday to Friday over two weeks; and with the aim of exploring what wellbeing means to those that take part. This is supported through the use of different creative activities and the keen ability of facilitators to develop an environment based on sharing and peer support.

Lauren from the Lab Project said: “We’ve actually increased the delivery of our wellbeing courses as we know that mental health has been greatly affected due to lockdown and lots of uncertainty. Having a group coming together everyday has been really helpful for our participants who have built their connections, trust and confidence - a safe space to verbalise problems (and then tackle them) has been really helpful”.

The most recent wellbeing course supported eight people with setting relevant and achievable goals, whilst also encouraging them to take action and reflect on how they want to progress. Financial support is also given to participants by obtaining cameras and other digital technology to ensure participation in and access to the online courses; and all that take part receive a £50 voucher.

Of their involvement in a wellbeing course, one participant said: “I have attended the LAB Project online and currently doing Lab Wellbeing online too. The facilitators are great and so helpful. It was easy to get on to Zoom and do the sessions online. It has done wonders to my sense of wellbeing and managing my anxieties, especially during this pandemic. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is struggling with confidence or anxiety issues. The tools and activities that I have learnt are helping me deal with the current situation and also plan my future better".

The LAB Project will be running employability and wellbeing courses on rotation until at least June 2021 - and hopefully in person (eventually!). Please contact their Engagement Officer at [email protected] for more course information and how to enrol.

You can find The LAB Project on their website www.properjob.org.uk/the-lab-project or on:

Facebook @ProperJobTheatreCompany
Twitter @ProperJobTheatr
Instagram @the_lab_project