Spirit of Manchester Story Week – There’s not enough money

Gateway M40 – There’s not enough money

“We are currently inundated with requests for advice. People who were just about coping before are now drowning in debt from increased utility and other bills.” Wendy, Operational Manager, Gateway M40

Gateway M40 have just finished their latest fuel voucher provision. These are £49 vouchers for prepayment meters. All their vouchers, which usually last six months, have gone in eight weeks. They also provide debt advice and run a food pantry where they provide nutritious food including fruit and veg. Gateway M40 are finding that people are now needing fresh food that doesn’t have to be cooked as they can’t afford to use their electricity and gas for cooking.

They are seeing a wider range of people now – families, older people, single people and an increasing amount of working people coming to them for help. They may have a range of debts but they help them to prioritise them, and housing and council tax have to come first or they risk losing the roof over their head and imprisonment.

They give face to face advice and empower people to manage their own finances. It isn’t always a case of better budgeting though – often there just isn’t enough money in the first place.

Wendy explains, “We deal with 3-4 debt relief orders a week at the moment. We use these as a last resort to support people who have large debts that they cannot afford. The criteria is strict – they have to owe less than £30,000, have less than £75 to spend per month and less than £2,000 in assets. We will also often help them with the cost of the order as they can’t afford the £90 fee.

This week, we helped Anne*, a lady in her 60s, with a debt relief order. All her debt was utility debt and she couldn’t manage to pay it off. She feels relieved that the debt is gone. Age UK is also supporting her to ensure that she hopefully doesn’t get into debt again.

We recruit our own volunteers and train them in-house. Volunteers need a lot of resilience to deal with the stories of people who come through our doors. However, there is also lots of resilience in our communities and people are great at helping out their neighbours and friends.

Our advice to anyone who is worrying is to get advice. There may be a waiting list but at least we know that you need our help and we will contact you as soon as we can.”

Gateway M40 started up in 2016 and this is the worst situation they have seen. Previously, the issues were payday loans or gambling debts but now there are so many people in debt from just living.
*Not her real name

Client - Mr A

“Firstly, I'd like to say a massive thank you. I got a recommendation from someone in my treatment centre that there was a company that may have been able to help me with my debts and I was put onto yourself. I couldn't have imagined how helpful and how resourceful you have been. I started my journey in treatment and I got nothing but help to ease my mind and support me. This then continued when I got out of treatment as you have hugely helped me in helping deal with my debts, relieving my stress and being all round a kind and caring person and this will not be forgotten.

You have been able to help resolve all my issues. You have been prompt and made the process so easy. I will never forget all you've done and the gratitude I feel is immense. I would highly recommend yourself and your company to others moving forward and because of what you have done, I can see a future for myself without being burdened by my debts. This journey has been simple and effective and you have done so much for me. Myself and my family will forever be grateful. Without you, I'd be in a mess but because of you I now feel I can focus on my life and forget about my past mistakes. I always know I can contact you if I'm worried or have issues and what you do for people for no personal gain is outstanding.”

Client - Joan

For more infomation, visit https://www.gatewaym40.org/

