The State of the North 2016: Building northern resilience in an era of global uncertainty

IPPR North have published their annual State of the North report for 2016 which addresses three key issues – Brexit, industrial strategy and local economic resilience.

Last year’s report was full of confident projections of northern powerhouse potential. In substantive terms, little has changed: this year the northern economy has passed the £300 billion mark, jobs growth has motored on, and northern regions topped this year’s EY Attractiveness Survey for foreign investment. However, uncertainty now pervades the northern mood. Regardless of current quarter on quarter national GDP growth, the decision to leave the EU will have a profound effect on the northern economy. Whether in terms of trade, access to skilled labour or EU funding programmes, the implications of Brexit on the North will be profound. There will be upsides of course but for the time being business is cautious and concerned.

The State of the North 2016 report focuses on three key issues that will build business confidence in an era of increasing uncertainty:

1. Securing a united northern voice at the Brexit negotiating table
2: IPPR North calls upon government to adopt a place-based approach to industrial strategy with the three core principles of regional differentiation, coordinated investment and devolution as its foundation.
3. Focusing on local economic resilience alongside growth and devolution

To read the full report, visit the IPPR North website.

