Take part in a survey investigating mental health in Manchester

The University of Nottingham’s Centre for Mental Health is proud to be working with Greater Manchester Combined Authorities and NHS in Greater Manchester to investigate mental health in Greater Manchester.

Greater Manchester, can you help?
The University of Nottingham’s Centre for Mental Health wants to know what you think about the services you get in Greater Manchester.

When you need help do you get that help? What do people who use those services in Greater Manchester have to say?

The University of Nottingham’s Centre for Mental Health want to hear from:
• people who have experienced domestic violence and who have asked for help after this
• young people who have had contact with the Police
• people who have experienced sexual assault and who have asked for help after this

This is a confidential survey and you will not be asked who you are, or where you live, you can tell us your views in confidence. The answers you and other people give will help to help Greater Manchester to improve the services they provide.

To complete the survey, visit: www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZCX3W9J
