Teach First are looking for North West based voluntary / community groups for an event

Teach First is an independent charity working to break the link between low family income and poor educational attainment, which is greater in the UK than in almost any other developed country.

Teach First enables its participants and ambassadors in the classroom to raise the achievement, aspirations and access to opportunity of children from low socio-economic backgrounds, whilst developing a network of leaders with a life-long commitment to ending inequality in education from both inside and outside the classroom.

As part of their 10 year anniversary they are holding a large event in London called Challenge 2012 on 22 September. At this event they will celebrate their achievements to date and they will launch their strategy for the next 10 years.

Given that many organisations dedicate themselves to addressing issues surrounding poverty and deprivation, Teach First would like Challenge 2012 to act as a space for these different organisations to come together to think about what a collective impact would look like. They would like local community groups to be a part of their North West focus event.

‘Taking up the challenge in the North West’ will explore some issues faced by the community that impact on children or their families.

The event will seek to identify what disadvantage really looks like for people in the North West and local community groups expertise would help Teach First to think about marginalised groups in the local area.

Along with 4 or 5 other North West based community groups you would be part of a marketplace. You would have a ‘stall’ to display information about your organisation and approximately 10 minutes to talk with delegates about your work and about how delegates might support your work going forward. Delegates will be made up of educational professionals, government figures, business leaders and other interested parties. For the wider event 3000 delegates are expected and the North West event is fully subscribed at 36 delegates.

Local community groups who agree to attend will be offered offer a free ticket to the wider event and given the opportunity to sign up to other activities throughout the day.

Teach First can fund one return rail fare from Manchester per community group. Community groups would need to leave on the 6:35 am train in order to arrive in London for the start. A return journey would be booked for the end of the event at 18:30.

For further information and to take part, contact Leah Bleakley, on 0161 242 1168, or email: [email protected].