The Roby is a small charity in the heart of Manchester that provides support to people with mental health problems. The Roby have an excellent reputation in Manchester, a hard working staff and volunteer group and a dedicated board of trustees.
The Roby are facing a challenging year in terms of future funding and need new dynamic trustees who are willing to get involved in overseeing the organisation through the current challenges.
The Roby are particularly looking for trustees who have experience in governance, law, finance, fundraising, change management, contract management and networking.
A high percentage of their service users are from BME backgrounds and they have a thriving South Asian Women's group. Therefore trustees from the BME communities in Manchester are particularly welcomed.
The Roby deliver counselling and are the only organisation in Manchester that provides counselling in languages other than English.
If you have experience at a senior level of managing and developing counselling services, then The Roby would love to hear from you.
Meetings take place once a month but your time will be needed in between meetings when necessary. The Roby also welcomes new trustees who have lived experience of mental ill health.
For more information and to apply, email Elaine Pitt, at: [email protected]
Deadline: 15 February 2014