Two weeks to go to be part of Manchester’s Spirit Story

Spirit Story is a week-long campaign taking place from 19-23 September that will document the extraordinary everyday work of the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector in Manchester. Over 30 organisations are now involved but there is still time for your organisation to sign up.

In Manchester, there are over 3,000 organisations providing a wide range of services across the city and we would like your involvement in showcasing the impact we have on our communities. All we ask is that you tell us about an activity on one day during this week which we will capture via a short 10 minute phone interview on the day. We will then publicise this information via our website and on social media using the hashtag #SpiritStory as well as producing a report after 23 September to provide an overall picture of the week. We will also share any publicity you produce including pictures, videos and social media posts.

Help us to promote the work of your organisation and the voluntary sector in Manchester by getting involved in Spirit Story.

For more information and to get involved, contact Nigel Rose on 0161 834 9823, or email [email protected]