Understanding Parkinson’s – a guide for staff/volunteers working in areas supporting BME communities

A Seminar for staff who work with, support, advise and care for people affected by Parkinson’s - only available for organisations within the city of Manchester.

Parkinson’s UK is offering staff and volunteers that support (now or in the future) people with Parkinson’s the opportunity to book a free seminar focussing on Parkinson’s delivered at your own establishment.
We are particularly keen to reach BME communities and are offering a free in-house seminar for up to 20 staff to any services located in areas where there are BME communities.
Places are limited and are on a first-come basis; please ensure booking forms are returned as soon as possible as this is a short term offer.

Aims of the seminar:

  • To increase your knowledge and understanding of Parkinson’s Disease
  • To better understand the needs of people living with and caring for people with Parkinson’s
  • To identify challenges associated with the symptoms of Parkinson’s, the side effects of the medication and to dispel myths surrounding Parkinson’s.
  • To consider the resources available, including the role of Parkinson’s UK, to improve the quality of life of people with Parkinson’s and their carers

Learning outcomes:
On completion of the seminar, staff will be able to:

  • Understand the key challenges of living with Parkinson’s Disease, such as the challenges of mobility, communication and swallowing
  • Identify the importance of drug management
  • Recognise the role of Parkinson’s UK
  • Evaluate their own practice and care of people with Parkinson’s

If you require any further information on the above free seminar offer I can be contacted on 0844 225 3651 or by email at [email protected]