The role of Manchester City Council's Valuing Young People Board is to oversee and promote Manchester's Young People's Strategy. The main items on the agenda were: NEET Reduction Plan; 2020 Vision; and Wythenshawe Youth Alliance.
From 2015 young people must remain in some form of education or training until they are 18. Those that are not are described as NEET (not in education, employment or training). Considerable work has taken place to improve the reporting to obtain a more accurate idea of how many young people (16-18) in Manchester fall into this category. The reduction plan focuses on: pre-16 prevention; 16-18 engagement; and engagement with young people that are "NEET". One of the key aims is to set up multi-agency neighbourhood meetings as a focus for reduction work.
The 2020 Vision sets out an aspiration for Manchester to be UK's Youth Capital in 2020 building on previous work to develop bids to be European Youth Capital. "2020" will be dedicated to, and led by, young people, celebrating their vibrancy and creativity, developing their skills, empowering them to tackle the issues that impact on their success and strengthening their participationin civic society, promotin global connectivity."
Members of Wythenshawe Youth Alliance, including 2 young people, gave an inspiring presentation about their work.