VCSE Brexit Project

You can contribute to research on the impact of loss of EU funds on VCSE ability to deliver support to vulnerable and marginalised communities in the North of England.

VCSE Brexit poject

29 March 2017 saw the UK give formal notice to the European Union of our intention to leave with the triggering of Article 50. There now begins up to two years of negotiations on what our future relationship with the EU will be.

Brexit will mean the loss of European funding in the form that the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector (VCSE) have known over the past few decades.

Network for Europe working with partners in the VCSE sector across the North of England, including Macc, are developing a project to respond to the loss of these funds. We are encouraging you to support this important project.

Of course EU funding is about money. But it’s also about the way the money is spent and what it is spent on. EU funding promotes innovative projects, based on partnerships which support inclusion, gender equality, and protection of the environment. It’s important then that we lobby and campaign, not just to make sure the EU cash is replaced, but to protect the kind of projects that have previously been supported by EU funds.

The VCSE Brexit Project will:
• disseminate up to date information on the current progress with the Brexit negotiations and relevance for the VCSE sector
• undertake research to assess the impact of the loss of funds, and develop priorities for the future of funds to replace the European funds being lost
• develop a campaign and media strategy, including a major policy conference in the autumn of 2017 to ensure the VCSE voice is heard throughout the Brexit negotiations in Europe, in government and amongst devolved authorities and LEPs

The VCSE Brexit Project is looking for support from within the sector to resource this work. We are looking to raise £10,000 through this crowdfunding page to support the information dissemination, the research and the conference.

You can support the project in two ways:
1. Become a supporter

Contributions are welcomed for amounts up to £49 to become a VCSE Brexit Project Supporter and this will ensure the VCSE sector in the North of England has its voice heard during the Brexit negotiations.

2. Become a member

Gold Member Pledge £150
Benefits include:
• Project membership
• Access to the bi-monthly VCSE Brexit Project news e-bulletin
• Paper copy of the VCSE Brexit Project report posted to you. Electronic copies also provided
• Named as a supporter in the VCSE Brexit Project report
• Priority invitation to VCSE Brexit Project events
• Opportunity to participate in ongoing research and analysis
• Three free places (worth £60) at the forthcoming VCSE Brexit Project conference
• Opportunity to exhibit for free at the VCSE Brexit Project conference
• A senior member of the VCSE Brexit Project will (subject to availability) present a summary of the report findings at one of your events/meetings
• Option to use the VCSE Brexit Project supporter logo on own promotional materials

Silver Member Pledge £50
Benefits include:
• Project membership
• Access to the bi-monthly VCSE Brexit Project news e-bulletin
• Electronic copy of the VCSE Brexit Project report emailed to you
• Invitation to VCSE Brexit Project events
• Opportunity to participate in ongoing research and analysis
• One free place (worth £20) at the forthcoming VCSE Brexit Project conference in the autumn of 2017

For further information and to get involved in the campaign, visit: