Youth Social Action Fund

The Youth Social Action Fund is open to community groups for grants between £1,000 and £5,000 that will promote volunteering, fundraising and campaigning amongst young people aged between 10 and 20 (25 years for young people with disabilities). This fund is part of the wider multi-agency #iwill campaign. Youth Social Action Fund

There are 6 key principles of social action that your project should include:
Challenging - Taking the young people out of their comfort zone, whilst keeping the activities fun and enjoyable
Youth-led - Young people are taking a lead in decision making and creating ideas for the project
Socially Impactful - The project has clear benefit to the community
Progressive - There is knowledge of your local area and how the project can link in with existing activities
Embedded - A sustainable project giving lasting skills that can be used throughout life
Reflective - The young people are able to look back on the project and evaluate their experiences

Who can apply?
• The funding is for community groups working in Greater Manchester.
• This fund is open to registered charities, constituted community groups and other charitable organisations, including social enterprises and CICs.
• National organisations with local branches (with their own management committee and bank account) can apply.
• Projects do not have to be led by a youth group.

What can you apply for?
• Core costs are eligible if the other criteria are met, including how the project meets the 6 principles above
• Equipment costs are not eligible
• Example of a funded project: young people meet once per week with a local elderly social club and share their IT skills. The funding awarded was spent on volunteer travel expenses, facilitator fees, room hire, refreshments and publicity costs. Match-funding provided a projector and two tablets.

If you are unsure that your project / organisation is eligible, contact the Communities Team to discuss your idea on 0161 214 0940, or email: [email protected].

For further information and to apply, visit:

Deadline: Wednesday 12 April 2017