Greater Manchester Youth Network (GMYN) wants to get the message out about the importance of youth work in Manchester, specifically the contributions volunteers make to young people’s services. The theme of Youth Work Week this year is ‘Youth Services: youth work for today and tomorrow’ and GMYN know that many organisations benefit from the support of volunteers to help deliver youth work that young people learn and grow from and feel empowered by. GMYN wants to celebrate this and in turn give thanks to organisations who support volunteers to be involved. This is the opportunity to showcase this great work by taking part in a social media campaign GMYN are running. There are several chances to win a prize by doing so.
How to get involved
Each day between 6 to 10 November GMYN will focus on a different ‘Finish the sentence’ speech bubble encouraging volunteers, organisations and young people to join the conversation by tweeting or facebooking them their response. During this time there will be a prize draw each day with all 5 winners receiving £10 Love2shop gift vouchers which will be randomly chosen from activity given on that day.
Speech bubbles:
As part of this campaign GMYN have a set of speech bubbles which you can add your message to and take a picture of you holding it (or of just the bubble itself), then post to GMYN’s Facebook or Twitter page.
Finish the sentences:
Each day there will be a different sentence and speech bubble to complete:
Monday 6 November – Youth work is important because…
Tuesday 7 November – I volunteer with young people because…
Wednesday 8 November – Youth work volunteers…
Thursday 9 November – Youth work supports young people’s future…
Friday 10 November – My youth worker…
For further information, email: [email protected]