Volunteers' Weeks takes place from 1-7 June, when we come together to show volunteers exactly what they mean to voluntary and community organisations, the individuals and communities they support.…
The Great Manchester Walking Festival is delighted to be working with We Stand Together and The Great Get Together campaign inspired by Jo Cox, to organise the ‘Great Walk Together’ bank holiday…
The purpose of the Playscheme Fund is to complement the all year round play offer in Manchester. The funding aims to enable open access play activities, primarily over the Summer 2019 and Easter 2020…
Manchester City Council is reviewing and exploring the way that Accommodation with Care services are provided for people in Manchester. The review focuses on developing a better understanding of the…
Young Manchester and GMYN are inviting ten organisations to come together in a set of facilitated workshops to share learning on safeguarding practice in youth work. This programme will capture…
Mental Health at Work
Small and medium organisations account for 99% of the businesses in the UK. But research shows that, when it comes to mental health, they often fall behind larger organisations…
Every year, a group of volunteers passionate about creating a magical Christmas day for Care Leavers aged 18-25 come together from September to plot, plan and perfect the event – and this year, you’…
GMCVO is seeking organisations with strong links into Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities and who can engage with the BAME-led organisations in Birmingham, Camden, Hackney, Leicester…
New support offer designed to equip health, care and VCSE leaders to build relationships that will transform the healthcare system – with a practical focus on working together to achieve joint action…
The Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People (GMCDP) has been commissioned by the Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham to establish a Disabled People’s Panel drawn from organisations across…
GreaterSport is looking to recruit two board members who are passionate about changing the lives of Greater Manchester residents. GreaterSport are looking for people who would like to give back to…
The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service is the highest award given to local volunteer groups across the UK to recognise outstanding work done in their own communities. It was created in 2002 to…