“I would struggle financially and turn to crime in order to get food”. Eric was referred to one of the organisations Fareshare delivers to, Mustard Tree, after moving from homelessness into his first…
On Thursday 22nd September, 70 people turned up for the drop-in session and 30 attended an English class at Rainbow Haven in Gorton.
One of the people who turned up was a Kurdish man who used to be a…
Thursday 22nd September - Drop-in Advice SessionToday, Cheetham Hill Advice Centre, which is the only neighbourhood advice centre in Manchester, held a drop-in advice session. They were holding three…
At 9am in the morning an upstairs room at Yes Manchester is being transformed into a clothes shop for local people. But this is a shop with a difference. Everything has been donated, everyone is a…
At noon on Thurs 22nd September, the morning Craft Group had just finished. Earlier there’d been a Tai Chi session. Soon they’ll be holding a discussion event on health and wellbeing.
The Tree…
“Trevor (in the photograph below) has been attending the sensory rooms for two years now, he loves relaxing on the water bed and just chilling out. We have seen lots of benefits from using these…
Last night (Wednesday 21st September), George House Trust (GHT) held its Annual General Meeting. It has a unique governance structure, one that fully involves the people who use GHT services and the…
Angie has been working as a support housing manager at Manchester Settlement for the last 13 years. She and her team support people living in two projects, one for care leavers and looked after…
The DAVE (Deaf, Actively, Volunteering, Experience) project helps 35 young people (aged 16-25), with a wide range of hearing defects, to manage the transition from education to whatever they want to…
Young Adult Support Project (YASP) / Manchester Mind Spirit Story - leaflets don't care about people
The Help Through Crisis Drop-in offers free advice and support for 15-25 year olds and ran from 2pm-4pm on Wednesday 21st September. This is a project in partnership with Young People’s Support…
Chris and Max are two volunteers at The Proud Trust who are busy in the Sydney Street Café right now as part of Freshers Week. At 3pm today, around 25 students were in the café finding out more about…
“I don’t believe I’ve just done that!” Teresa told the group yesterday.
That was how she had felt as she left a lecture hall of nursing students at Manchester Metropolitan University. It had been…