
Garfield Weston Foundation says too few charities are applying for core costs over fears they’ll be turned down The Garfield Weston Foundation has revealed that only a quarter of charities are…
Manchester City Council is launching the new ‘OurManchester’ Hive on crowdfunding platform Spacehive with a pledge pot of £60,000 for your local projects. Anyone can make great ideas happen through…
The OneFamily Foundation is running this national funding competition for community projects in the UK that are nominated by OneFamily customers. Through its Community Awards, the OneFamily…
Refugee Action is pleased to announce the launch of its new Frontline Immigration Advice Project. This project aims to support organisations providing frontline services to migrants to cope with a…
Any young person aged between 11 and 19, living within the City of Manchester area can now get free online emotional and mental health support using a website called They can sign up,…
Living Our Lives are workshops and information sharing events for disabled people of all ages living in Manchester. They are an opportunity to find out more about different issues important to…
Ride 220 miles with Rapha through the heart of England in one of the most demanding and rewarding events of the year, raising money for Ambitious About Autism along the way. Now in its third year,…
Carers Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges carers face and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities throughout the UK. Petition…
Young Manchester is an independent, city wide Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) set up to develop a new way of working to support Youth and Play services for children and young people across…
The mosque in Cheetham Hill North Manchester is inviting people to visit to the mosque during the month of Ramadan. Ramadan is a fast during daylight hours. It is something they do every year. The…
A group of volunteers from the Pankhurst Trust, Independent Choices Greater Manchester Helpline and Manchester Rape Crisis are representing their organisations on the North West Convoy to Calais on…
GMCASE (Greater Manchester Campaign Against Sexual Exploitation) is a consortium of statutory agencies, not-for-profit organisations, charities and community groups working across the Greater…