
42nd Street is launching The Horsfall, a venue and programme exploring ways to engage with heritage and creativity to improve mental health and wellbeing. The Horsfall is taking inspiration from the…
Do you get help from health professionals for feeling anxious, feeling stressed or feeling low? The Care Quality Commission (CQC) wants to hear about your experiences of health and social care for a…
The Charity Commission, the independent regulator of charities for England and Wales, has launched a new public beta online charity registration service. The service offers improvements to users…
Manchester City Council are looking to recruit more LAC young people and Care Leavers in engagement activities and Children in Care Council. Three Open Air Cafés have been organised where young…
Awaaz Community Project in collaboration with SKT Welfare are collecting essential life saving food items for the refugees in Syria. 54.3 percent of the population lives in extreme poverty, without…
Get on Track provides stepping stones into, volunteering, training and employment for vulnerable young people aged between 16 and 25 years old. They are mentored through a five stage personal…
This year the BBC will be encouraging audiences to Do Something Great and discover their ‘inner volunteer’. With a wealth of inspiring and heart-warming programmes across TV and radio, and a bespoke…
The NHS England Asylum Health National pilot is based in Greater Manchester. The project has the following core aims;• To address health inequalities by improving health outcomes for people who are…
Strong and healthy organisations need well-trained staff and members to operate effectively. Please can you spare 10 minutes to complete the latest questionnaire here:…
What do you think makes Greater Manchester so great? That’s the question being asked by Greater Manchester’s youth leadership charity, RECLAIM Project, as part of their new #GreatManc campaign. From…
It's about much more than digging. It’s about growing food and getting outside.It’s about building raised beds and creating community. It’s about planting seeds and making new friends. Ways to get…
Sandy Adirondack, who provides training and consultancy on governance and law for the voluntary sector has produced an update for all companies about the requirement for companies to have a register…